
Showing posts from May, 2018

Final Reflection

Physical Education is a big topic. But I am glad I was able to tackle it while doing this blog. I started out by introducing myself and my future goals. I talked about what Physical Education is and why it is important. I talked about what CSPAP is, FITT, 5 health and skill related components, and I narrowed it down to my topic which is muscular endurance. I picked muscular endurance because some people get it confused and get mixed up or thinks its the same as cardiovascular endurance or muscular strength. I hope that after looking over my blogs, it allowed you to find the difference between muscular endurance, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance. I also hope that after looking over my blogs it educated you how Physical Education is very important and how being physically active is critical especially starting at a young age. The journey of being a blogger is somewhat complicated but as I got used to how everything works, it is so much fun how I can share my opinion and ju
Presentation by Kenji Salazar on Scribd

Additional Resources

Here are 5 links that will help me in my inquiry topic: - - - - -


"Developing a diet that is healthful, balanced, and appropriate for your particular caloric needs is easy enough and is absolutely critical to establishing a healthful lifestyle that incorporates proper nutrition, adequate fitness, and mental resilience." -Daphne Oz "We need to convince 100 percent of the public, rather than just 40 percent, that good sleep is as necessary as exercise and nutrition for optimal health." - Dr. Robert Schriner  

Disciplinary Text-Sets

Source 1: This source tells us what Physical Education is. Physical Education is the teaching and learning of physical activities inside the school grounds particularly in a gymnasium or in the playground. In a PE class, it also mentioned why being physically active is important in our lives and what benefits we can obtain if we continue to be physically active. Source 2: This source tells us what Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP). CSPAP is an approach for school districts and schools to use all opportunities in school to be physically active and meet the standard of 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. CSPAP is divided into 5 sections, these 5 sections are sections where we can perform physical activities in the school, the 5 sections are; physical education, physical activity before and after school, family and community engag

Where I am and where I want to go?

First and foremost, I am going into Physical Education as some might not know. I will be tackling one of the 5 Health Related Fitness in Exercising. These 5 are body composition, muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and muscular endurance. For this project, I will be focusing on muscular endurance; what it is, what are the benefits, etc... What do I know about muscular endurance? I know that muscular endurance has to do with the build up of muscle over a period of time. What do I want to know about muscular endurance? -What examples of exercise deals with muscular endurance? - What is really the process of building muscular endurance? -What is the difference between muscular endurance and muscular strength? -What are the benefits of having good muscular endurance? Sources that will be useful: - -