Final Reflection

Physical Education is a big topic. But I am glad I was able to tackle it while doing this blog. I started out by introducing myself and my future goals. I talked about what Physical Education is and why it is important. I talked about what CSPAP is, FITT, 5 health and skill related components, and I narrowed it down to my topic which is muscular endurance. I picked muscular endurance because some people get it confused and get mixed up or thinks its the same as cardiovascular endurance or muscular strength. I hope that after looking over my blogs, it allowed you to find the difference between muscular endurance, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance. I also hope that after looking over my blogs it educated you how Physical Education is very important and how being physically active is critical especially starting at a young age. The journey of being a blogger is somewhat complicated but as I got used to how everything works, it is so much fun how I can share my opinion and just be myself on my own personal blog. In conclusion, I am so glad I took this class with Dr. Vitali as the professor. I learned so many things! Thank you Dr. Vitali for being a great professor and being patient with me.


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